Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series full of Borderlands' trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness.
Subsequent episodes in the season will be available as in-app purchases for US$4.99 each, or players can purchase the Episode 2-5 Multi-Pack for US$14.99, which is a saving of US$4.99 over purchasing the episodes individually. Today we would like to share this all-new accolades trailer for the Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Games Series season premiere, fresh from the delightful (and only TEENY bit dangerous) world of Pandora.Įpisode 1, 'Zer0 Sum,' is now available for compatible iOS devices via the App Store and for compatible Android-based devices via Google Play for US$4.99 or equivalent. View full post on Now you can take the Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Games Series wherever you go! You can also see what other people have to say about the marvelous world of pandora in the brand NEW trailer! Filed Under: ' Tales from the Borderlands'